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Waktu senja melambai dari tirai ufuk
Kau menghampiri beranda
Membelakangi cahaya samar rawi

Maka basuhlah debu-debu neraka dari tubuhmu
dengan air wadi dalam tempayan
Tak mengapa, aku tunggu


Dan habiskanlah sisa-sisa roti kehidupanmu
dalam pinggan porselin sumbing
Tak mengapa, aku tunggu


Setelah seumur hidupku menunggu
Kita melangkah seiring ke dalam ranjang jagat
Rawi kini diganti purnama

Hey do what you want, but don’t do it around me
Idleness and dissipation breed apathy

At times, I would like to just fuck my conscience and obligations.

But being sane enough, I realized that the ultimate purpose is not in tasting the fruits of present life but merely the act and effort of planting the trees.

To hell with being interesting and fun (to some standards?)! And talented!